Blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or bothered by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green, and they never stop producing fruit. Jeremiah 17:7-8

Friday, May 4, 2012

P90X, Week 11, Days 6 & 7

First of all, let me just say... Rest in Peace, MCA from the Beastie Boys! How sad :( I grew up with the Beastie Boys, and was really into them in my high school years especially. I got to see them perform live nearly 4 years ago at a Rock the Vote concert, where they played with Sheryl Crow, Jack Johnson, Norah Jones, among others. It was awesome seeing them live. So, though I've outgrown some of their more outrageous lyrics, the MUSIC itself is still awesome. I always loved their instrumental stuff especially. I've moved on to Christian rock music, which glorifies God (can't really say that about the Beastie Boys), but there is still a part of me that totally digs the Beastie Boys. They were the first white boy rappers, c'mon now. And they were a bit punk rock too. I always had the biggest crush on Ad Rock. MCA was the taller, goofy looking one, but he had the best voice. It was low and cool and even.

With that being said, since I have slacked off the past couple of days, I tried to get a lot of exercise in today, which was supposed to be my "Rest and Stretch" day. I came home and went for a run after work. I was only able to run for about 20 minutes while the kids' dinner was cooking. Then I popped in Kenpo X because I wanted to do some cardio, but I wanted it to be FUN. After that, I did Brazil Butt Lift, the bum bum workout, which I find to be very difficult. I notice that I'm getting better with practice; however, I was drenched in sweat after 30 minutes (when it was over). I burned nearly 1100 calories doing all of that. I feel energized now, like I can do even more exercise, but the fam and I are going to wach "How to Train Your Dragon" in 3-D on our new TV! Whoop, whoop! I lost another pound this morning, and I'm down 17 lbs with P90X, for a total of 33 lbs since December. It is hard for me to believe that I let myself get that big. I would still like to lose around 10 more pounds from the butt/thighs/lower abdominal areas, which is why I'm doing Brazil Butt Lift in place of some of my workouts.

I had a meeting at work this morning and Corey did too. We were a little worried about his meeting, because his company has been sending sort of gloomy emails out about how the company is hurting financially. He had to account for all of his sales or lack thereof, and I admit, I was nervous for him. We've been through a layoff before, and it was stressful, even though he was able to find another job quickly. There's the whole process of getting different insurance, waiting on the first payday, and for him- learning a whole new job and fitting into a whole new company. But I prayed about this meeting last night and again this morning, and it turns out that it went very well. In fact, he said it went "Excellent". As did my own meeting. I was told that I am a LEADER due to my ethics, morals, and values. I was taken back by that a little bit, because I have never considered myself a leader, nor have I ever wanted to be one. Not that I wanted to be a follower, either, but a leader? Me?  I have always been extremely shy and soft spoken, but I find myself growing and changing the older I get. I seem to be becoming more outcoming and more comfortable in social situations. It's a good feeling. My point is that, God came through for us once again. Here I thought he'd lose his job, but his meeting went very well, and he is still employed. And I was praised for a job well done. I'm glad it's Friday and I'm gonna go hop in the shower now and spend quality time with the family :) Good night.

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